Tag Archive | "chelsea clinton wedding"

Chelsea Clinton Wedding Dress Cost Half of Ali Fedotowsky’s Engagement Ring (PHOTOS)

Chelsea Clinton’s wedding dress is the talk of wedding fashion. The wedding dress, designed by Vera Wang, is reported to have cost some $25,000.  This means that Ali Fedotowsky could have had TWO Chelsea Clinton wedding gowns for the price of ONE Bachelorette engagement ring.

That being said, it would be hard to choose between the two.  Personally, I would go with the 3.03 carat platinum ring (Photo here) because in 15 years, I will still be able to wear it.

That being said, a fairy tale princess wedding dress is always on the list of any helpless romantic like myself. Vera’s beaded waistline and swirling chiffon details were probably the reason that Bill Clinton was spotted shedding a tear or two.

Still, there weren’t many dry eyes in living rooms across America last night during the season finale of The Bachelorette. When Ali gave Roberto that final rose…ahh. Breathtaking.

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Healthy Vegan Wedding Cake at Chelsea Clinton’s Wedding (PHOTO)

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