Archive | Environment

Gearhart Plane Crash

I covered the Minnesota Hawker crash and people started busting my chops over that. The heat over that one is still not over but now I came across another crash and this time its a single engine place that fell into a a house on a foggy Oregon coast.

Two people who were in the place were killed, and two children who happened to be in the house also paid it with their lives. Another child in the house was reported missing.

Unfortunately a family was using the home as a vacation rental. (Turned out quite a vacation for them). One mom and two children were flown to Portland for treatment for burns. Luckily, two people went out for a walk.

About how the accident happened, the weather was misty and clouds slung low. The plane apparently hit a tree and then crashed into the house.

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Minnesota Plane Crash

A chartered Raytheon Hawker 800 crashed at a regional airport in Minnesota while trying to land in a thunderstorm killing everybody on board.

One of them survived the fatal landing but died while en route to the hospital.

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Does this have you wondering what in heaven’s name is Majungatholus? Fret not, you weren’t the only one. But apparently this spieces of dinosaur is out to beat the popular T-Rex in, ah, popularity.

Majungatholus was a kind of lizard dinosaur that lived in Madagascar during the times dinosaurs inhabited earth, which is aeons ago.

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Telegraph & Yosemite Fire Map

I didn’t hear much about the California fires for a few weeks but now this trouble is back with a loud bang. If you are looking for California fire status, this time it is the Telegraph fire (we will be providing you the Telegraph fire map. You should also be aware that this fire is not too far from the Yosemite Park and might also be known in media as Yosemite fire).

Check out my coverage of other major California fires from here: Sacramento Fire, Big Sur Fire, Ridge Fire, Santa Barbara Fire, Northern California Fires, Napa Fires, Wild Fires Pictures, Bonny Doon Fires.

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Highland Mangabey

Back in 2005, a new spieces of monkey was discovered in Tanzania and labeled as Highland Mangabey. Even for Africa, this was a first in 20 years.

But now guess what. Within a span of what 3 years, there are fears that this spieces of monkeys may already be on their way to extinction.

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Kamchatka Brown Bears In Danger

seves bear Kamchatka Brown Bears In Danger

What a bald eagle is to Americans, Bears are to Russians. They have been depicted in stories, games, advertisements, even in various national expressions like the flag of the top political party in Russia.

But in the present times, the perception is fast changing.

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Posted in Calamity, Environment, Lifestyle, World38 Comments

Map Hurricane Dolly Projected Path

32014411 Map Hurricane Dolly Projected Path

Hurricane Dolly with its sweet sounding name but deadly force is all set to rock Texas and even though you would love to stay and see it happen, its prudent that you make alternative plans.

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Hudson Bay Tribe

hudson%20bay Hudson Bay Tribe

Hudson Bay is a large but shallow body of water in northeastern Canada.

It acts as a shallow drainage for a very large area that includes parts of Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Alberta, most of Manitoba, parts of North Dakota and Minnesota, and the southeastern area of Nunavut.

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PBS’s Scablands

Dsc04596s PBSs Scablands

PBS is airing a very interesting documentary and I suggest that if you can schedule to watch it or record it, do it. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

The biggest flood in the world and which has geological evidence is the deluge which break through Pacific Northwest every time Glacial Lake Missoula’s ice dam gave way.

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Say Hello To Dolly

dolly.track Say Hello To Dolly

Mexico is in the direct path of tropical storm Dolly and is starting to be hit by it. Recently there were some showers unleashed on that nation as the storm sped towards the Cancun area.

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