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Show Your Logo In The URL

These days almost all sites have their logos embedded in their URL. It looks good and adds a professional touch to the website. If you are a web master and your site does not have the logo show up in the URL, I strongly suggest that you do asap.

The process is actually quite simple and I am outlining the steps below for those who would like to enable this feature on their websites.

1. First of all you need to have the image ready that you want to embed in the URL. To have an idea about the size and type of the image file, take a look at the TechBanyan logo from the link below -

You can save a copy to find out the size and dimensions of the image file.

2. Once you have your logo file ready, upload it on a server as we need to link to it.

3. Lastly, open the source file which contains meta tags, and copy paste the following code before the

code. Don’t forget to substitute the path with your own logo path. <p><span class="attribute-value"><link href="%E2%80%99" rel="’icon’" type="’image/jpg’/"></span></p> <p>If you host using WordPress, you need to navigate from your admin dashboard to Presentation >> Theme Editor and look for the ‘Header’ file. The above mentioned piece of code can be placed before the </p> <title> code. You can right-click and view the Techbanyan source file for further clarification on this. <p>4. Save the Header file, refresh your website. You should be able to view the logo in the URL.</p> <p>If you get any issues, let me know.</p> <div class="linkwithin_hook" id=""></div> <script> <![CDATA[ <!-- //LinkWithinCodeStart var linkwithin_div_class="linkwithin_hook"; var linkwithin_site_id = 115025; //LinkWithinCodeEnd --> ]]> </script> <script src=""></script> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <ul class="addtoany_list"></ul>

5 Responses to “Show Your Logo In The URL”

  1. shraqshaq says:

    not working. Im using wordpress. Follow step by step, using jpg but then try .ico still nothing showed up

  2. Mansoor says:

    Do you know how to do this in Joomla?


  3. Surendra says:

    It is not working in IE 6.0

  4. Wayne says:

    I changed the single quote marks (‘) to double quote marks (“) and it worked for me. I’m using Firefox.
