If there is one thing we’ve learned from the Kwame Kilpatrick scandal, the Mark Sanford scandal, and the Tiger Woods scandal is that text messaging is for people who want to get caught doing whatever it is they’re not supposed to be doing when they text. The same goes for Jesse James and his alleged mistresses. Bad enough that he allegedly cheated on America’s sweetheart, actress Sandra Bullock, but he left a record of his alleged adulterous behavior. And it is that electronic record that each of Jesse James’ alleged mistresses kept in order to use against him at a later date.Â
And that later date has arrived.Â
The first mistress to come forward, Michelle ‘Bombshell McGee, told In Touch magazine that she had plenty of text messages to prove her affair with Jesse James.  Photos of computer screenshots that show the text messages revealed what looked like a conversation about a rendezvous, complete with room number, and another where one asks if the other needs it then says, “Speaking of licking.”Â
A source told Radar Online that mistress #2, Melissa Smith, got a text message from Jesse James as recent as March 24, wherein he wrote that he was “disappointed and angry” that she could “do this.” “Do this” presumably means out him to Star magazine. Melissa Smith’s story hit the newsstands earlier that very day.
Brigitte Daguerre, who TMZ outed as the third mistress, admitted that she had kept 195 text messages made between herself and Jesse James over their year-long relationship. In one, James wrote, “I’ll be your monkey.” However, that isn’t as damning as the text message where he isn’t loosening up because he is “texting in secret.”Â
And then there is the fourth mistress, the mystery mistress that has hired famed attorney Gloria Allred to represent her should she decide to go public with her story. According to Radar Online, it seems that the mystery mistress had a three-year affair with Jesse James that ended after the scandal broke (which was just last Wednesday). She claimns to have kept hundreds of text messages, emails and photos.Â
There are some media outlets reporting that there may be as many as 11 mistresses in the Jesse James scandal that are willing to come forward. Wonder how many saved their text messages?