Tag Archive | "iphone"

The Apple Peel Turns a iPod Touch into a iPhone

The Apple peel can turn your iPod Touch into an iPhone.  Wish that your iPod Touch could take calls like an iPhone? You aren’t alone…and in China you can do something about it. “The Apple Peel” is a Chinese made device that “peels” your Touch and turns it to an iPhone.

The device is a sophisticated case that houses a SIM card, docking station, and battery.  The docking station connects to the bottom of your iPod Touch (where you charge it).  The battery powers the device that takes the calls, which are allowed by the SIM card.

This means that you can have a Verizon iPhone, Sprint iPhone, or T-Mobile iPhone just by purchasing a simple case. It’s quite the sophisticated and cool device, if you ask me.

A new iPhone costs from roughly $500-$800 while an iPod Touch is only a couple of hundred dollars.  The Apple Peel only costs $57 which makes this an affordable way to “jailbreak” your iPod Touch into taking calls.

Sadly, the device isn’t available in the US for sale. However, I would expect that those traveling to Asia may purchase these devices so that they, too can transition their iPods into phones.

Photo Credit: (Credit: PConline)

Posted in AppleComments (63)

A Verizon iPhone 2011 Possibility: Could Apple Leave ATT By January?

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