The Codex Gigas which in English means Large Book is THE largest ancient medieval manuscript in the world. Note – not one of the largest but THE largest.
Work on Codex Gigas started in the early 13th century. This happened to be in the Benedictine monastery that was situated on the Podlažice in Bohemia.
The Codex Gigas is now preserved at the Government run State Library of Sweden in Stockholm. The book is so huge that it needs two librarians to pick it up.
Codex Gigas – The Devil’s Bible
Also, Codex Gigas is popularly known as the Devil’s Bible. The reason behind that is the huge sketch of Devil’s on the inside. Plus there is some myth about the devil’s illustration and before you know it, you have the conspiracy theorists already seeing heady dreams about some sort of ancient plot.
There was a time when the Codex Gigas could have been lost to mankind and this was during the end of 30 years war in 1648. The complete book was taken away by the sweedish Nordsmen as part of the spoils of war. But fortunately, the Swedes recognized the importance of such book and kept it in a museum.
If you are wondering about the myth or legend behind the Codex Gigas, here is some that I have been able to gather from different sources:
According to the fable, the writer happened to be a monk who could not keep his vows and was punished to be walled up alive.
Since the monk did not want to undergo this punishment, he dreamt up this feat of creating a book with all the knowledge that would keep the information about the Monastery alive in years and generations to come. Hence the Codex Gigas.
If indeed that was the purpose of this book, then the monk lived up to his promise.
Check out the National Geographic show on Codex Gigas.
You can perhaps even make out parts of the translated manuscripts.
i have discovered a rare truth that only a dream can translate … i have seen the devil, shook hands with lilith and drunk from the cup of sinful beginnings but i have never strayed from the belief that God exist … now i know better .. near death experiences cleansed me, i dont have memory for the last 3 yrs befor 2007 so ya sh1t was hectic .. but bazigcwala ngami cos i will xpose em
huh!?… you need to stop smoking that oppium!!!… near death experience says you.. you sure it wasn’t the MDs flashing a bright pen light into your high as a kit eyes?…
AS soon as I find a translated copy of this, I am going to eat alot of acid and read it
its not actually 666, its 616…
if you use the code of 6=A B=12 C=18 (all the way to) Z=156 add the letters together of Lucifer=444 Heavens=444 Muhammad=444 Jesus=444 Kopavi=444 Semjaz=444 MW 13:23 :-)(-:
If you believe Good then you must believe in Evil… So if you believe in the Devil then you must believe in God… Love is a strong word and you just used it foolishly… May you regret what you said that the end of days are near… If your life has had evil in it think of who it is to blame…. Certainly not God, but the devil… The one who has caused harm in your life is the one you foolishly love… You have fallen for the oldest devilish trick in the book…. Its never too late to wake up… and realize the higher power… for the devil himself is but a servant of God…
1. Lucifer is dead (his name is satan now). 2. HE HATES YOU. 3. He is doomed to the lake of fire, and YOU WILL BE TOO if you do not believe on the name of JESUS CHRIST.
Why believe in a false god who hides high above us for fear we may raise power from my master to overthrow him and remove him from his stolen throne. Come join me and my master for only my master can show true power only he can give you the power to not only control your own life but to change your fate of having to end all you love here on this physical earth. Sure go ahead and believe in a heavenly supposedly all knowing being who sits on high pretending to listen to fools spilling there guts to one who doesn’t give a rats ass about what you are talking about, instead serve my master and be heard, be saved and live forever as his servant no other master can give you what I have obtained from my Master. My earthly name was weak and pathetic the name my master gave me is strong and eternal I am Arc Lumanatis, so come and join us and all who have found the true truth in the eyes of my Master.
god has been our servant he hasnt hidden himself its you who run from the light and goodness, like a cockroach in the daylite! he comes to those who humbly seek him in repentance. he found me when i was lost. knocked on my door for several years, even chased after me till it became so obvious. i fell down prayed for guidance and forgiveness, all came, and all became clear and was given a new clean heart and soul . Greatest experience of my life bar none !!
Satan has FALLEN and he CAN’T GET UP!
very strange oppium, i had a very simmilar expierence. I was very interested in demonology in my late teen years and i had a dream after the passing of a friend. in my dream i was in hell i came to a hallway where i meet with the devil said some words i dont remember then was told to go into a room where an old man was sitting with all types of medical equiptment coming from and around him. After the dream my fasination only grew,although i believed in and deeply loved god. It got to the point where i was painting portraits of different seens in my dreams and thoughts. I even called out and cursed a couple demons. My very last painting was a landscape with an angel on one side nealing down saddened accross from the angel was building with fire raining down upon them. 2 weeks after the completion of this particular painting. I was left alone in my 3rd floor appartment seeping. around 3am i woke up to the smell of smoke. i went for my fire escape only for it to be locked by the time the firemen got to me my hair was melting and my left arm and right leg were burnt and sticking to the sides of my window sill. I fell 30ft on my forhead and cracked it litterly in half. i spent the next month n a half in coma in intensive care. i dont remember many things now though. its not long or short term memory loss only the loss of memory i had for certin places and people.weird hu
You have not seen the devil, let alone shook hands with him.
u r a fool there is no god! no devil no god think 4 yourself! u r a human arent u? oppium
That is what a typical satanist would say. If you watched and looked into satanism into modern day society the main point of his persuasions are to ” do what you want to do ” and “open your heart to the lord” (fyi the lord and god are totally separate intitys)
…(fyi “intitys” is actually spelled entities)
and “…” is actually “. . .”
He is real…and he knows you by name, he know how many hairs you have on your head…he died on the cross for you to be able to live your life blamelessly….please dont go down the road so many people have walked down before….God gave his life for you….not because he is asking anything from you,he just wants your love back…there are times in life that your gonna need somebody….and everybody around you are gonna leave you…except for god…so cast your cares upon the lord for he cares for you ….peace!! just think abt it
if god created us to be exactly the way we are then he created some people to think in a way that would make that person turn against him. if thats the case, then god created people to burn in hell and selected a few to stay in heaven. if you go to hell, god must have wanted it happen. otherwise, it wouldnt have happened.
He is created us and grant us our free will, He loving and allow us to choose our path. Once we have badly misuse the freedom granted we will not be in heaven although I believe God would love to accept us in Heaven. I would give an example about a motorist and lawmaker, there are laws to obey on the road, but the motorist could at anytime break the law, once he badly break the law, he will placed in a prison. Have the lawmaker decides at the first place who is going to the prison? Does the lawmaker wanted to have some people to break the law he made so they are going to prison? I don’t think so. ^^
we are created with free will..the point is, “When God created us he already knew if we would fail or not, therefore, he knew if we are going to burn or not..pure and simple logicaly shared…peace
I hang to your perspective and I agree. Two people and just because one is raised a certain way with the morals, they think a certain way, and never fall victimm to what some people or most others falls into in life. Intimacy for instance, again I say for instance because it helps make a valid pooint. some dont fuck this area up in life. They reap what they sow. in most cases, however, people do mess up this supposed area. I get into a grey area here because what seems right to God maybe is not right in mans eyes or mind. I see how people mess up in whatever way. It actually could be right. On further down, my point is a person could be good and never have sex before marrige and somehow be an evil person. On the flip side who can say observe when someone is right and call it wrong. This in societyis throughout ages is a good thing dont let my talking demerit waiting for marrage to have sex. Im just using this to make a good point. Vice versa someone else can be totally bad but be good. A point made in this book though is that the Devil is a lawyer. Very very intellectual being the has a job to do. I’ll end with his job is to accuse. Someone had to do it in scheme of this desighn so life could be what it is. Most are supposedly going to hell and seemingly created knowling they were being sent to hell. Just like the Devil’s purpose is to accuse. Hell’s purpose for man is to show Justice. People burn in hell for GOOD ultimatly. I know I know its kinda a l o n g r e p ly. WHY? Cause we goona die. AHHHHHHHG
simply Put, God created all things good and evil. all paths lead to him. it is a balanace needed for the word to transpire.
well guys everyone have there point for me god and the devil r the same entity pepole chosse right or wrong evil and good come from the creation they have to be balanced action reaction
God is real, this I know for a fact. So is the Devil. So don’t be a fool.
id love to see these fools on judgement day or in true need of help, would they be spouting off so prideful and indignant at their own greatness and immotality, i think not, fool fool fool….
Only the fool has said in his heart there is no God. On the last day the knee of every believer and unbeliever alike will bow.
you’re a fool to take an ancient book at face-value. There may be some truths in the bible, but the question of God’s existence remains to be answered, and it’s an arrogant claim to say “I know the answer! God is real and he’s in my religion and my religion only! All you other suckers can go to hell if you want, but if you join my Jesus fan club, you’ll get a free pass out of hell.”
Dear Friend, I can honestly say I know what you feel about this whole Jesus Show, but it is not God’s plan for any of this to have happened. For a long time I questioned God on the smallest details. I questioned those who said that they know it all, THE VICE GODs, the slime that have made their names as good as the Holy Lamb’s. They can never satisfy your questions, nor can you WITHOUT GOD’S Help understand the Bible. Trust I have read it over and over and it was for not. The true answer really is inside yourself. But not because you are your own God but because God decided to live in you. Just one last and quick thing. Ask God… God I need to talk to ONLY you know.. Speak to me. If you do this with in all honesty I am sure he will give you some answers…. but please mind that they might not be they way you expect them to be. Christ is lord, and we truely were not meant to suffer so much!
ok Stevansky, Law, Samzilla thanks for pushing your distorted belief system on us – here let me clarify your system and see how you like your views being attacked – damned zealots .. god and the devil exist as manifestation of mankind’s attempt to understand and put some significant meaning to this existence we share. yes god and the devil exist, but only after our own desired form. to proclaim christianity as the one true religion is to incite anger and offense in other of a different belief. before you blindly celebrate this christmas, try and do some reading on the origin of the holiday itself.. start by asking why december 25? maybe it has something to do with that pagan god Mithras!..or better yet try and find out Jesus of nazareth’s birthdate – the bible doesn’t state it. or why a yule log? or a christmas tree? Jesus was a great MAN. but what made him great was his teachings – his revolutionary humanitarian view.. remember we are talking barbaric times here. no love for your fellow man notions, he put that on the table, that is why he has become the christ. it is the same principle we apply to heroes today – you know, taking a bullet for someone else, risking yourself for someone or your belief… a moral standing… seldom seen this days, maybe is why we have this share sense of the world coming to an end. always remember and never forget that book you call your bible, your holy of holiest text is nothing but a compilation of writings done by MEN inspired or not by their godly beliefs. and on top of that, Constantine decided which of those writings went into your so called holy bible , hmmmm political self-interest anyone!?… come on!!! how can you stand on a soapbox and proclaim something someone elsewrote and then someone else decided upon as the one truth everyone should live by? you are just regurgitating someone else’s beliefs. read up on the history of religions, read up on GOD in the human psyche, read up on the history of the rise and fall of belief systems in human societies, read up on healing as a physical manifestation in humans divorced of religious belief systems, read up on science, read up on prayer. read up on how human societies create this incredible constructs called religion, government, language, all to serve one goal -the control and subjugation of the masses. but please read. I am not telling you not to believe in god or Jesus or Buddah or Vishna or what-have-you, what I am telling you is to inform your self. believe it in your own terms not just be spoon-fed. otherwise you are just tools of the system. …and that is what I have to say about the vietnam war.
Here, I believe that these are yours. I give back to you the wings of the angel that you are, you must have lost them along the journey of your life having gotten lost in the brilliance of the light of the world as a human being. I was walking along in a field of beautiful wild lilies and tripped over them, I picked them up, took them home and I cleaned them with the power of my Love, they are renewed, here take them awake and remember who you are, My Angel. I love you. Who am I you ask? let me tell you who I am is… I am strong, stronger than steel mixed with iron and yet… melting molten putty in the hot sunlight of your smile, for in a moment of weakness, with a mere glance into your eyes, you would sway me with the softness of… your__________________ touch, the sweetness of your voice, the wetness I would cause… my Passion. LOOK! THERE… floating upon the vast oceans… my sea of tranquility… JOY… Quickly pick it up, here is the book of my heart… That I thought had been stolen… read me… like an open book… my emotions, everything that I am, laid down in written word for all to see… without Shame… I will hold up my beliefs into the light of… public… scrutiny, I will not stumble I will not fall, I will not fail for… I, I am. Standing… Standing alone, in wilderness. I… began to think… Then ponder, the questions of… life. to all the Lost Souls… Suffering… suffering, in silent darkness, Solitude… Thinking of Ending it. With mine eyes I have seen… With mine ears I have heard… These are my Words… I was lost, till you gave your love to me, But then you took it away… Standing… Standing alone in wilderness Standing… Standing alone in shadows essence of forest evergreen, Moonlight lit darkness, Neath the Canopy of that which gives us Life, Trees. Standing Alone in Wilderness Surrounded By lost Souls Unknown, Suffering in silent……………………………………………………. Voices unheard. Solitude… Pondering the End of it All. Sometimes… Sometimes I Pray for it. Standing… Standing Alone. I heard the Earth crying… Standing… Standing Alone. I heard the Moon Sigh… for it had heard the Earth cry. Wondering… Why? Why? Sometimes… Sometimes I pray for it. The cold steel Kiss of the Moon Meeting the crook of my Neck… Like a lost Lover… Coaxing me into Comfort. Obscure. As my finger conforms to the Curve… Pulling the Moment Closer… Closer. Inviting the Quiet the Quiet I sometimes Hunger, Yearn, Desire it… the Quiet Nothing More. With the Sky all colored Grey… this is what I heard the Earth say. There comes a day that even, I… fear. With merely a clench of my finger, not more than a flinch, just a pull just a squeeze And BOOM!!!…………………….. Nothing… Nothing more. Sometimes. Sometimes when the mood takes me As far as it can…………………………………………………………………… Sometimes… I pray for it. the Redemption My Release the End… of, this Plaque… called Humanity. Everything that dies … one day comes back. Sometimes I pray for it standing alone… did you never ask Why? Ashes to Ashes… Dust to Dust… You can only Imagine what is to become of us. Standing… Standing alone I looked up and saw a little bird that glides across the sky, it Sang a song of melody that made me want to sit right down and cry. I am the Sculptor, that strikes the stone, to reveal the beauty within unknown. I am the Painter who caresses the canvas, to evoke the emotions of thought. and as the poet I work the words, and simple things become known. Standing… Standing alone, Sometimes… Sometimes I pray for it. To touch the very soul of everyone, that is within my reach… This is what I would love to teach. You… yes I said you, the one reading these words right now, You have the Power, the Wisdom, Held tightly in your hand, in your Mind, Deep within your Heart…. the Ability… To set Free. you gave your love to me… and then you took it away. What? what else will you do today? Have Mercy! Run to me……………. Come to me………………………………Look what you’ve done to me! I was lost till you gave your love to me, but then took it away. Take out the power, Kick down the door and set yourselves free. Money cannot buy it baby… Sex cannot buy it baby… Drugs cannot buy it baby… You cannot buy it… My Love is… FREE!!! I believe in Love, is why I do these things for you. I believe in Love alone. Give up your needs these poison seeds, Find a different kind of Free, One that just lets you… Be… Give me the strength to lay it all down, Whispers silent in the night, Let all our dreams go by, this is where our prayers are heard Wipe away your tears and let the salt stains dry, it all goes by, it all goes by. For time will catch us in its hands, to be blown away like grains of sand. So here within My hands… the Ability, to set Free… My Love Upon the Earth. Standing… Standing Alone… it seems Against the Entire World. Standing Alone… in, Vast wilderness. (surrounded ) by… Countless, In-numerable…………………………………. Lost Souls. Speeding by faster… ever Faster, Mere Shadows of themselves. Faster… ever Faster… in Search…. of what can be bought. for this is what they have been Taught… is… “Happinessâ€â€¦â€¦â€¦ Not! Standing… I looked inside myself. Standing Alone… I Looked inside My Soul. I am reaching out to you. upon the Oceans of my belief. I have set sail… out into the Sea, of my tranquility. A soft and gentle breeze, brought me to… You. My Angel…………………………………………. Not just any Angel… would do. Only You… Only You. My Angel…………………… I was guided to you. What am I to do? Now that I have found You. Should I tell you my Dream? the Vision of Life. Joy… never before known, till now. Joy… beyond compare. this I… with you shall share. Not just … any Angel, would do. Only You. Listen closely… First. God loves You, and so do I. Without Reason… Without Rhyme… these are the words of Time… they are mine. My words Till now unknown. Standing Alone I looked inside myself, I looked within my Soul, into the Depths of my Heart, I found a precious memory a love so vast as the midnight sky… a love so deep as the oceans azure blue… I lived this one true Love. A joy beyond… All knowledge, never known. the one seed that I have sown My seed of Love now watch it grow Around the world My light does glow. for those of you who disbelieve. Ashe to Ashes… Dust to Dust… this is what must become of us! What is it that you will do… today? What is it that you Believe? With these thoughts… you… I, shall, Leave… Love and Kisses to everyone, Tony, I believe in you! copyright. 2009 Tony March
Very good will, you are on the best path. Lets not forget about sumeria and the aincent texts that have detailed stories, all of which reappear in the Holy Bible.
Well said sir, well said.
I believe in what you say as to being informed individuals because people get lost on others beliefs sold as facts I myself believe in god and that is a realization I have come to on my own terms not someone elses. I know that I live a good life as a good person and I try to pass that on. One things I don’t do is persecute others for not believe the exact way I do whether you believ in nothing god buddha ala the devil may you live in peace and pass it on Amen
i dont kniow why but i was looking up the gias codex when icame across your statment,and athough impress by your inalect i had the uncotrolable urge to pray for you tell me if anything good came to your life or if you realized something ing your self,best wishes,ok
Very good will, you are on the best path. Lets not forget about sumeria and the aincent texts that have detailed stories, all of which reappear in the Holy Bible.
Without reason? without rhyme? come on, if you want to look tr00 for the sheeps, dont put ac/dc lyrics in your self-help poem
I think I agree with you, yet there is one sentence i dont understand. “Christ Is Lord” Ok so here is a second entidy you speak of. In the begging you say, “Ask God… God I need to talk to ONLY you know.. Speak to me. If you do this with in all honesty I am sure he will give you some answers” Explain please are we talking two differnt entidies or one god and also jesus as god?
Because honestly, For myself answers are within our true selvs/beliefs that something a God, or whatever people call it, the main creator will answers us if we truely truely belive. 0Also you said we do not always get the answer we expect, you are right. we hear and recieve the truth when we do nto go to god with pre conceived answers..peace
if youve ever experienced the baptism of living water -the holy spirit you would know for sure like i do, so i can say for fact”Jesus is lord” and “God the Father does exist and is real”
ok Stevansky, Law, Samzilla thanks for pushing your distorted belief system on us – here let me clarify your system and see how you like your views being attacked – damned zealots .. god and the devil exist as manifestation of mankind’s attempt to understand and put some significant meaning to this existence we share. yes god and the devil exist, but only after our own desired form. to proclaim christianity as the one true religion is to incite anger and offense in other of a different belief. before you blindly celebrate this christmas, try and do some reading on the origin of the holiday itself.. start by asking why december 25? maybe it has something to do with that pagan god Mithras!..or better yet try and find out Jesus of nazareth’s birthdate – the bible doesn’t state it. or why a yule log? or a christmas tree? Jesus was a great MAN. but what made him great was his teachings – his revolutionary humanitarian view.. remember we are talking barbaric times here. no love for your fellow man notions, he put that on the table, that is why he has become the christ. it is the same principle we apply to heroes today – you know, taking a bullet for someone else, risking yourself for someone or your belief… a moral standing… seldom seen this days, maybe is why we have this share sense of the world coming to an end. always remember and never forget that book you call your bible, your holy of holiest text is nothing but a compilation of writings done by MEN inspired or not by their godly beliefs. and on top of that, Constantine decided which of those writings went into your so called holy bible , hmmmm political self-interest anyone!?… come on!!! how can you stand on a soapbox and proclaim something someone elsewrote and then someone else decided upon as the one truth everyone should live by? you are just regurgitating someone else’s beliefs. read up on the history of religions, read up on GOD in the human psyche, read up on the history of the rise and fall of belief systems in human societies, read up on healing as a physical manifestation in humans divorced of religious belief systems, read up on science, read up on prayer. read up on how human societies create this incredible constructs called religion, government, language, all to serve one goal -the control and subjugation of the masses. but please read. I am not telling you not to believe in god or ,Jesus or Buddah or Vishna or what I am telling you is to believe it in your own terms not just be spoon-fed. otherwise you are just tools of the system. … and that is all I have to say about the vietnam war.
no better are any who talk with speculation for mere pride, insolence vanity arrogance ignorance. seek you all to be heard seek you all to be prophetic seek you all to be all knowing intellectuals pathetic petty men and women who are no better than apes pointing fingers as they do this way and that way for another. every one of these views are blind you who speak of religion you who speak of knowing god you who speak of lucifer – knowledge and reason. what you know is feeble weak and faltering in comparison to what you don’t know. read your articles speak you sweet lies and triumph alone with your vision as you all are unheard by worlds and this worlds existing beings. you are numb callus atrocious. read up on science, as you are no scientist, read up on prayer, as you have no faith, read up on how societies create incredible constructs called religion, you are no smarter than when you began to touch to confines on versatility. you are no philosopher nor well rounded only alone dictating what obviously shows no importance to our forefather or mother. religion is what it is humans are what we are the all knowing existential being is what you are not nor am i but air stardust chemical blood sin forgiven creation malicious thoughts and words provoked and spoken by erratic individuals who coin phrases and speak foolishly on whim. dare you challenge any be prepared to take on all and be alone; as you are alone small minuscule naive dormant vacant read read read let your words and facts of false truths envelope you at your death you know nothing fear faith as faith is not knowing but trusting hoping confiding without structure without evidence without sightings or declarations or idiotic statements by a fool trapped in black and white never understanding the enigmatic. trapped soul choke on air
Please shut up I hate it when you FWP (f*cking white people)try to sound intellegent you really sound like a queer uptown transvestie hooker trying to get another rock in your pipe And no Im not black so suckit
Hey Bra, waz up…God loves you man….and he would do anything for you…your language is wak!…you can get your point and beliefs across without such vile just a guy who loves the lord and has a burden for your soul…please get to church…peace bra….by the way im not black either…and i dont make straight A’s
ive done all that research, and after my experience see the same man, son of god and way to our father in heaven, all those stories edify the existence of the saviour of the world ,past present and future-take the plunge and find him for yourself, he is very real and also very loving and forgiving !! it a choice youll never regret
I think people can think what they want to think. Personally I think that people will look up to anything just to make themselves feel good. If thier life is so miserable that they need to keep lying to themselves then let them. They just need to realize that there are real things on this earth that could make them feel as good…like going for a hike, being with friends, listening to your favorite song, etc. The only thing that I wish is that they don’t try to push their beliefs on others. I don’t push mine on anybody. It is a personal thing that should be kept to yourself and nobody should be judged for it.
life isnt always kind. from a young age of 5 i lost my mother to M.S- my father left and that was the end of my innocence, try being alone at 5yrs old, live and make sense of this life and world with noone there to help, riding a bike doesnt fill in the lost pieces,in fact nothing will, except the healing christ provided for us by way of the holy spirit!-ignorance isnt bliss-its just ignorance-without blind faith that Christ may be there you’ll never come close to trusting in an idea or belief, about god. but youll believe L.A. fitness can help you lose weight and look pretty,its that little bit of faith that can save your life and soul!!!it saved mine!
I am surprised there are no other writings from the Monks at this Monastary. Penance for their sins was to write. Is it possible this Code Gigas is a gathering of the different ‘Penance writings’?
Hi all i am from india and i want to know about CODEX GIGAS i dont know whom i shall i talk to about that so i am leaving my e-mail id plz let me know any thing you guys know about CODEX GIGAS thats a request.()
Hi all i am from india and i want to know about CODEX GIGAS i dont know whom i shall i talk to about that so i am leaving my e-mail id plz let me know any thing you guys know about CODEX GIGAS thats a request.()
Diane McFadden it was probably done in penance but by only ONE monk, as it has been proven now, that the handwriting throughout was done entirely by one person. That person is believed to be “Hermann The Recluse.” Originally they thought the word “inclusion” meant he was headed to be punished by being walled up alive, but they now believe the word “inclusion” was misinterpreted & most likely meant “recluse,” otherwise, hermit. Thus is was not being punished, but most likely in a self-imposed seclusion.
this Codex Gigas has nothing to do with anything and as usual full of enpty proisses of better life and life after death its bull!! simple as id tell you to learn ancient lattin and look on google for Codex Gigas online and translate it yourself!!! People will beloeve what they want but tleast read it for yourself instead of believing what your told. although there is a special way of reading it id sugest starung at a page till it goes blury then you wull see what i mean. have fun ps dont think online translators will help ya neither so good luck!!!
you go Will..but we must also be realistic the majority 99.8% of the human species has barely the inteligence of a domestic dog.. The non black races came from the stars and escaped to this planet..we all know at some point this is the truth..which shoots all religion to hell..or is religion the result of severe trauma…the stories told do have a lot to tell us but its all out of context because of men and or women have used it for thier own agenda’s one of the perpetraiters being the catholic church..Imagine all the hidden secrets it that massive vatican library being held hostage by a handfull of people.. Personally I dont believe in god or satin or nay religion or idolitry to believe in some single omni potent imortal being that controls all right down to the atom and beyound IS JUST A SEVER MENTAL DEFECT IN THE BELIEVER
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~ Aristotle
I feel sorry for most of you idiots that have left your replies on here! I`m not perfect but I do know that I shall be looking at you across the a burning river of fire ,while you beg for a drop of water. I BELIVE ,,, I BELIVE in the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST.The only one whom could have died on the cross and saved me of my sins. I pray that before the time of judgement you have given YOUR life to GOD so that he may save your soul.
And heres one for everyone:::: I would rather spend my life as if there is a god :::::::::rather than live it as if there is not.::::::: only to find out there is ::::::::::that`s to late
religion = war : believe in my god or i we kill you
man made god to explain where we came from
You’re being religious when you talk to a god. If he answers, though, you’re completely out of your mind..
God has no sons or daughters…He is unique and inherently one so dont you all corrupt God with you vile thoughts…We are only humans given not even an inch of the knowledge that God possess….do not think enough that you be damned by Him…He is ALL KNOWING AND ALL POWERFUL.
Everybody is born good, and everyone dies good. At the final moment of consciousness, the truth of everything in your life will become apparent. Call it enlightenment if you will. We all go to heaven. Even the worst examples of humanity. We like to reassure ourselves that bad people who escape punishment in life will receive some after life, but if they escaped karma in life then their punishment will be in that moment of enlightenment. The realization of their every mistake. What takes place in a second can be experienced as an age.
I agree with LethalPride, the human race does not at all come close to understanding what god knows, he is the all powerful, and we have no clue to what is really unfolding in existance , so we can go about our simple lives and think, no harm,no foul
Wow (which is mom upside down) this is friggin’ awesome, I love all of you! Each and everyone of you are entitled to your very own belief system. Whatever helps you through this journey is wonderful.
When will the world give up on this crap? There have been too many people killed in the name of purely fictional constructs.
You can all suck my Dick.
There are many reasons for my distaste to cristianity. I have read the works of many religions, to the point where I made my own finding similarities and filling in spaces my self. Crystianity makes sins that are all human nature making it impossible not to sin, forcing you to buy a pardon at the church (early cristianity) also, the one named the devil is said to have goals of world peace, and essentially runs hell punnishing the terrible. It was made that he was only a saint, son of Mormon, Lucifer. He wanted to test gods favorite beings to see if they were as pure as god bragged. He found gods statements false and found evil in humanity’s nature. God was moderately annoyed. Lucifer then refused to worship Adam, claiming it would be hypocritical, but, of coarse god couldn’t make a mistake, so he threw out the cause of such accusations. Lucifer was never said to gain much power, so god covered his mistake by blaming it on his adversary, his Satan. All Lucifer wanted to do was test, and was betrayed by his lord. That means all evil must emanate from humanity it’s self. That is inconsistency one. I have noticed in almost all stories, that evil always had kinder motives behind his fury. This is what worshipers of the devil notice. I am no worshiper of the devil, but most zealous people can not comprehend these thoughts. I believe crystianity is either a warped prophecy designed to controll people, or god is not as rightous as he claims, or even the path of good it’s self is actually an evil. My opinions have had me hated before, as zealous people cannot seem to comprehend any philosophy other than their own. Another inconsistency is that Licifers path of evil, will lead you to hell. Now why would he punish his followers? Also, why would a blissful god judge humans for their mistakes, and nature. If he made us with choices, then why judge us for his own inception of corruption? And why would he have prepared a judgement system if he didn’t expect this to happen in the first place. Also, all animals could not fit on any size of an arc, without some sort of magic. Also, Cristians say thank you god for this or that, but god truly gave you nothing of the sort, your hard work gave you that, give yourself some credit. Also, those who believe in guardian angels, heaven has a decate hierarchy. It’s thrones and such are heavens armies, and do gods tasks, not save or help humans petty lives. Why would some random angel save your basicly worthless life instead of doing gods work? The only explanation are random demons, giving you a frebe to make you feel obligated to sell your soul in a pact with him or her. Throughout history, evil beings such as demons, have helped humanity more than angels ever have. I rest my case on, in my opinion, cristianitys misguided, huge, following. Others religions could be more beneficial to humanity.
That picture, if it is suposed to be the devil makes him look like a tool. So mabey its more of a way to show how pathetic he might really be, and how dumb someone might be to belive the words of a fool as he seems to be drawn. Or mabey the guy thought it looked funny and went with it who knows. Either way poeple with set in stone opinions(like most of the people who have writen anything here)should hope they are as smart as they think they are because they made a choice to stop learning. To the cristians I hope jesus doesn’t come back as a monk To the satanist I hope the devil thinks your cool as you think you are And to the atheist Give it some thought when your dying you may just change your mind ;)Good Luck Everybody
Way to make simple since and stay on topic with this book. Wtgo cspot
The Elohim created man in their image. (correct translation of old testament) Plural, and not because of “The Trinity.” lol.
retard. lol.
light is good, good is light and therefore travels through itself exist outside of itself and within itself. Shadows travel through darkness inside and outside of itself what ever you believe one thing is certain that without light you would not be able to see, gain memory, or understand. So with that being understood how powerful can darkness be if there is nothing that can be learned or taken from darkness except more darkness. further more how much more is the soul forsaken when the light in which love travels eludes those who believe in darkness and worships the entity that divides rather than multiplies. we are tempted no matter what you believe, and what we believe determines who we are whether we believe in light of God or the everlasting darkness which some will side with because they cant grasp that which i speak of.
we are all equally good and evil. you have a choice who you wanna be. theres no way of know of knowing what happens next and thats the way our creator wanted it. if there is any question it is why he/she wanted it this way. probably a time issue. it is a nice gift if you think about it. ..if you knew how much time you had if you had total control ..well this trip wouldnt be as much fun now? if we knew all the answers?? boring..the whole thing is a gift really, not knowing is a gift.why bother wasting time trying to figure something out youll never know till your dead..pretty stupid. religion is a just a good to each other because everyone benefits from that esp you. or mean and see where that gets ya.
The surest way for “Satan” to bring down Humanity is through religion. Religion poisons and divides. So those listen up Christians, Muslims, whatever: You’re right the devil IS out to get you and he is your own creation, & he is leading you with your precious religion, straight to “Hell.”
Hail Satan, The true lord of the world of both heaven and hell. My lord was robbed of his throne by that holy bastard that all mankind loves to call the one true god. One true god more like the one true thief. All who hail satan stand tall and give your souls to him for only he can give you eternal immortality. God wants to bring you to heaven to remove you from all you have obtained here on earth to remove all your power attained by from my master Satan. Give yourselves to my master Satan and he will give you true immortality. I have lived far longer than any mortal should and for this I worship Satan all my days. My name is eternal and my soul is immortal, I am Arc Lumanatis and all though my name sounds heavenly that is only to prove that my master Satan is the true one master of us all. Come join me and my master for only he can show you the one true path. My master has given me Infinite Knowledge, Wisdom, Strength, Stamina, Life and Longevity. Come join me and my master and we will bring the truth into this world once and for all.
You are all so far from the truth the angels of the lord can not help you
Arc Lumanatis cower. You are nothing. I alone know what is dark and what is unbenowned and it is not you
First, I would like to thank our education system for 80% of very fine authors, hats off to your english teacher on accomplishing their goal in educating shaved monkeys!!!! Second, STAY ON TOPIC!!!!! CODEX GIGAS!!!!! A.D.D Much????? Third, Its a book, meant to be read, not taken for fact, the reason all these religious writings got a lot of views is simply this!!! Everyone likes a good story, EVERYONE!!!!! Some people just take it too literal, these people need a time out!!!
wow finally someone gets it!!! all the way at the bottom of this stupid page, i find a comment that makes sense! i was so damb bored with the documentary i wanted to see the content ‘english of course’,that brought me stumbling onto a page of preachy dimwits, and it still has nothing to do with anything! why ??? i must be stoned!! HAPPY 420!!! WATCH ancient aliens to shed light on our origin, the words used in all religious text are used due to the dialect of the time, they didnt have a word for a UFO
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