If you recall sometime back a 13 year old girl in Arizona was strip searched by the school officials who suspected she had ibuprofen pain reliever on her.
Because of the legal tangle that ensued after that incident, now the case has reached the supreme court and the judges in the premier justice system will make a decision on the merits of it.
Basically the whole issue boils down to reviewing whether school administrators have greater discretion to control the students on campus than the police has on regular citizens on the streets.
Also at issue is whether school administrators are barred by the constitution from conducting searches on students who are suspected of dealing banned substances on the campus.
Some of the federal courts have already accepted that the search in itself was definitely illegal and traumatizing.
Some parents are saying that older children and adults should be measured with the same yard stick but school officials are countering it.
So which side does your opinion is buttered on. Let everybody know below.