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True Blood Rolling Stone Cover a Hot, Steamy Vampire Tribute (PHOTO)

The True Blood Rolling Stone cover is a controversial cover.  Three vampires, naked, covered in blood are featured on the cover of Rolling Stone.  Of course, the rock n roll magazine is known for their covers – and nudity these days isn’t just for Hustler and Penthouse.

The cover features Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, and Alexander Skarsgard all naked and covered in (fake) blood.  Those who are loyal viewers of True Blood note that the cover captured the essence of the show quite nicely.

And those that read Rolling Stone know that they are known for their crazy covers.  The first very provocative cover was of John Lennon naked, embracing Yoko Ono.

Lady Gaga was once featured with nothing but a few strategically placed bubbles. Brittany Spears had a cover shoot while under 18 that was seen as very provocative for her time (although she was not nude.)

What do you think of the Rolling Stone cover? Is it hot, or too much?

    One Response to “True Blood Rolling Stone Cover a Hot, Steamy Vampire Tribute (PHOTO)”

    1. Emily Skaggs says:

      I think this cover is hot. It reflects the show perfectly. People have posed nude on the cover of rolling stone nude all of the time. Why is this issue such a big deal?


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